First-of-its-kind Index reveals Thailand’s positive progress towards Personalised Healthcare:


In a world still grappling with the current global pandemic, health systems around the world have had to do more with less. Health stakeholders are considering not only how to improve healthcare for citizens, but also how to build future-proofed health systems.

These challenges have magnified the important role developing and implementing strategies, plans, and policies to enable more personalised care; can play in prioritising scarce resources. But achieving this will require leaders across the entirety of the health ecosystem to shift organisational thinking from the short-term to the long-term, and embrace collaboration.

Following the launch of the Asia-Pacific Personalised Health Index, part of the Future Proofing Healthcare initiative, the Index is a first-of-its-kind policy tool that provides a unique overview of the personalised health readiness of 11 health systems across Asia-Pacific including Thailand. The health experts in Thailand came together on 18 February 2021, highlighted opportunities and addressed key areas of focus to achieve better outcomes for more patients. First-of-its-kind Index reveals Thailand’s positive progress towards Personalised Healthcare.

The replay of panel discussion is available for the public now:

The Index findings have been published in a whitepapercoordinated by theand informed by health expert insights from across Asia-Pacific that includes key policy recommendations based on the Index findings.

Special thanks to the Thai media who helped stakeholders across health ecosystems understand local, national, and regional strengths and needs.

FutureProofing Healthcare is a collaborative, data-driven initiative that aims to examine the fundamental drivers of sustainable healthcare systems, compare approaches between countries, identify elements that lead to more sustainable care and promote best practices through a future-focused discussion of real-world solutions. Supported by Roche, FutureProofing Healthcare develops indices designed by leading, independent experts and serves as a resource that enables accredited, third-party data to be effectively leveraged across health systems. The aim is to support healthcare stakeholders to make data-driven decisions and evolve their health systems according to individual country challenges and priorities. The initiative began in Europe in 2018 and has since developed four indices focused on sustainability, breast cancer, multiple sclerosis and, most recently, personalised healthcare.

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